News - Portuguese Environment Agency
Portuguese Environment Agency
25th anniversary of the LIFE Program

This year the Life Programme will celebrate its 25th anniversary, and the Portuguese Environmental Agency, as the contact point in Portugal, is organizing an event to celebrate this date on the 22nd of May, at the LNEC auditorium in Lisbon, whose programme may consulted here.
Besides several panels connected to the 25th anniversary of the Life Programme, this event will also have a private match making session meant to promote the contact between project idea promoters and interested entities in co-financing LIFE Projects.
With this session it is intended that possible beneficiaries, with some financing economic issues may present their ideas and discuss them with potential co financers.
In order to register, it must be filled the online registration which is free but mandatory (available here) until the 18th of May 2017.
For the matching session it is mandatory the submission of the project idea registration (available here) until the 18th of May 2017, to the following email:
The acceptance of the registration will be confirmed until, the 18th of May 207.