News - XIV ANIET Technical Days - Conclusions


XIV ANIET Technical Days - Conclusions

XIV ANIET Technical Days - Conclusions

On November 21st, 2018, the XIV Technical Days of ANIET, organized by this Association, were held at the Aveiro Congress Center, with the participation of approximately three hundred subscribers. This way, ANIET's Technical Days are one of the greatest events in the Extractive Industry Sector.

Following the interventions and discussion among the participants:

- The extractive industry is essential in the development of today's society. The modern man depends more and more on the exploitation of mineral raw materials. The importance of the extractive industry in the national economy is manifested particularly in the export sectors, contributing decisively to Portugal's wealth.

- The importance of holding ANIET's Technical Days, which, in pursuit of its objectives, has already imposed this initiative as a privileged space in the exchange of information between the different players of this industrial sector. ANIET affirms itself as a privileged partner in the area of ​​mines, industrial rocks and ornamental rocks.

- It was placed a particular emphasis on the future of this industrial sector, with the need to increase the competitiveness of the business fabric in foreign markets, which are the final destination of around 70% of the national production.

- It were highlighted the different activities carried out by ANIET over the last two years, stressing the role that this association has had as a privileged interlocutor between the companies of the sector and other government agencies and institutions. This interaction is highlighted in its intervention on all the legislative articles under review.

Finally, and also in the context of the intervention by ANIET's General Director, it was launched a challenge to the participation of the national companies in the different international fairs, so as to boost their export market. It were underlined the opportunities to support the expansion and internationalization of companies that operate in the sector. ANIET is the privileged partner to channel these supports with its members.

- Portugal possesses a diversified mineral potential, naturally associated with the geology of its territory, whose quantitative expression points out the realistic possibility of the sector to aim to double the GDP contribution, an objective which, however, needs to be supported by sectoral policies of positive discrimination, such as fiscal policy, access to venture capital or even investments in research projects and scientific and technological development.

- In another moment of these Technical Days, we have seen an excellent presentation about National Energy Policy and its implications for the Business Competitiveness of the Extractive Industry sector. It is noted that energy costs account for, approximately, 45% of total costs, and that this fact, if current energy policies are maintained, could constitute an obstacle to the internationalization and competitiveness of the sector.

 - In a particularly interactive session, there was the opportunity to attend to an accident simulation and to the demonstration of the due procedures in these cases. This simulation, carried out by the Somincor Intervention Group, has made us aware of the excellent level that this intervention group already shows.

- It were highlighted the major world challenges for the aggregate sector, which took place in the 2018 GAIN Forum.

Having been presented the major conclusions that emerged from the meeting of the partners which integrate the Global Information Network on Aggregates, it is noted that the members of this network represent more than 60% of the aggregate world production, estimated at more than 40 billion tons. It were pointed out the data on world production and consumption of aggregates, the prospects of the global evolution of the markets of these raw materials, and the future challenges to this important sector of the world economy. The problems and the need to plan the access to these mining resources were clearly identified, combating not only the illegal activity but also the environmental impacts that deregulated practices impose on the sector of the extractive industry.

- It was reflected on the sustainability in the aspect of the resources' preservation, identifying the different dimensions of this sustainability in the Mineral Row. It was emphasized the importance of the trinomial KNOWING - PRESERVING and VALUING the mineral resources.

- Creative use of the natural stone

It were highlighted, in a particularly passionate way, not only the social impacts that the creative use of natural stone can have on society but also to the immensity of use where the limit is imagination itself. Natural stone can be used as a material, by excellence, to shape creativity and free the senses. By obligation, all of us have to sensitize artists and creative people to the artistic potential of the use of natural rock.

- Marine Geological Resources

Facing the increase in the consumption of raw materials, it was highlighted the need to resort to marine mineral resources in the medium term. It is imposed a national research policy that allows us to better know what we have, how much we have, and where we have it.

- Normalization's benefits in the reporting of results of Prospecting and Research of Geological Resources

It was highlighted the need to impose, for the sake of transparency, materiality, competence and impartiality, norms and rules in the elaboration of reports with the results of prospecting and research of geological resources.

- Circular Economy in the stone sector

Given the advantages of looking at the Extractive Industry from the perspective of the Circular Economy, and how this new paradigm is cherished by the policies of the European Economic Community, some practical cases of waste recovery (which are now justly classified as by-products) have also been illustrated and may constitute new business opportunities for the companies of the sector.

- Functioning of a mining rescue brigade

Finally, and in the context of Safety and Health of mining works, it were presented the activities developed by the Somincor Mine Intervention Group. It was pointed out the response capacities and the different existing equipment to face the different emergency situations that can occur. It was mentioned the importance given to the updated and ongoing training of the members of the brigade.

Aveiro, November 21st, 2018